Toby T. Hecht, PhD, Associate Director
Toby T. Hecht has led the Translational Research Program (TRP) for over 15 years. She earned a PhD in viral immunology from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and conducted her postdoctoral research at Yale University in somatic cell genetics before coming to NIH, where she worked in three Institutes–NIDCR, NIAID, and the NCI–over 44 years. More…
Peter Ujhazy, MD, PhD, Deputy Associate Director
Peter Ujhazy is the Deputy Associate Director of the Translational Research Program, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis at the National Cancer Institute. More…
Mia Garret, MPH, Program Coordinator
Ms. Garrett joined the Translational Research Program in January 2021. She is responsible for providing guidance to SPORE applicants and grantees on NIH pre- award and post -award policies and procedures such as PAR specific requirements, data management and resource sharing, human subjects and clinical trial reporting, progress reports, carryover and budgeting. More…
Emily A. Hanlen, MEd, MPH, Program Coordinator
Emily A. Hanlen, M.Ed., MPH joined the Translational Research Program (TRP) in February 2025 as a Program Coordinator and Grants Management Executive Contractor. More…
Naveena Basa Janakiram, PhD, Program Director
Naveena B. Janakiram, PhD serves as a Program Director at the Translational Research Program within the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute (NCI). More…
Igor A. Kuzmin, PhD, Program Director
Igor A. Kuzmin, PhD is a Program Director at the Translational Research Program within the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute (NCI). More…
Leah Hubbard, PhD, Program Director
Leah Hubbard, PhD is a Program Director at the Translational Research Program within the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute (NCI). More…
Steven F. Nothwehr, PhD, Program Director
Steven F. Nothwehr, PhD is a Program Director at the Translational Research Program within the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute (NCI). More…
Bradley Scroggins, PhD, Program Director
Bradley Scroggins, PhD is a Program Director at the Translational Research Program within the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute (NCI). More…
Terese Trent, BA, Program Support
Ms. Terese Trent earned her BA in Sociology from the University of Maryland. She currently works at the Translational Research Program (TRP) in the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis at NCI, providing program support and administrative expertise. More…
Tamara Walton, MPA, MHA, Program Coordinator
Tamara Walton, MPA, MHA joined the Translational Research Program as a Program Coordinator in 2008. Ms. Walton has worked with SPORE grantees to provide assistance on submission and management topics pertaining to their grant. More…
Kim J. Witherspoon, BS, MS, MBA, Grant Specialist Contractor
Kim J. Witherspoon, MS, MBA joined the Translational Research Program (TRP) in September 2024 as a Grant Specialist Contractor. More…